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Stress, Illness and the Immune System

Stress, Illness and the Immune System  By Saul McLeod updated 2010 The immune system is a collection of billions of cells that travel through the bloodstream.  They move in and out of tissues and organs, defending the body against foreign bodies (antigens), such as bacteria, viruses and cancerous cells. There are two types of lymphocytes: B cells- produce antibodies which are released into the fluid surrounding the body’s cells to destroy the invading viruses and bacteria. T cells (see picture opposite) - if the invader gets inside a cell, these (T cells) lock on to the infected cell, multiply and destroy it. The main types of immune cells are white blood cells. There are two types of white blood cells – lymphocytes and phagocytes. When...

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8 Awesome Benefits of Sea Salt

Benefits of Sea Salt You’ve probably heard of the common health warning, “Stick to a low-sodium diet for better heart health.” While there is some truth to salt causing hypertension, this only applies to refined white table salt that you’ll often see in salt shakers at restaurants. Click on image above   That’s because these salts have been stripped of their beneficial minerals and only have sodium and chloride, which create imbalances and disease in the body. Real sea salt has been used for thousands of years by our ancestors and have been a precious commodity to season food and boost their health. I’m talking about unrefined, health-promoting salt like BB sea salt and Himalayan sea salt that are gray, black,...

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16 Signs You Might Be Insulin Resistant

  Elevated blood sugar. A fasting blood sugar level greater than 80 mg/dL (5.4mmol/L) indicates insulin resistance. Hypoglycemia. Are you hangry? Getting the shakes or headaches in between meals is a sign you’re insulin resistant. Elevated triglyceride levels. Sleepiness, particularly after a meal. Abdominal obesity. As the waist grows larger, insulin becomes increasingly ineffective in your body, therefore levels of this hormone rise… which causes weight gain.  It’s an endless cycle.  Keep in mind though that thin people can still be insulin resistant. Fatty liver (elevated liver enzymes). Frequent hunger and cravings for sugar or carbohydrate rich foods. People with high blood insulin are hungry and nothing will satisfy their appetite like carbs! High blood pressure.  (Insulin resistance is one...

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7 Ways to Permanently Banish Belly Fat

Sixty-nine percent of American adults are overweight, and over 35 percent are obese1. These conditions aren’t just aesthetically unpleasing. Obesity increases your risk for numerous conditions including heart disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer2. Sadly, about 3.4 million adults die each year3 from being overweight or obese. Globally, obesity now kills about the same as tobacco and more than all wars, terrorism, and violence. Nearly all people who are overweight already have “pre-diabetes” and have significant risks of disease and death. They just don’t know it. When you begin to put on weight, especially lethal belly fat, your biology shifts out of balance, veering into the unstable and unhealthy territory of disease —which in turn makes you...

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8 Warning Signs That Your Child Is Under Too Much Stress

As children get older and take on new responsibilities, more activities, and larger homework loads, they are more susceptible to stress. Take a look at these eight telltale signs that your child may be dealing with stress. Nightmares: Sleep-related fear is a common response to stressful or traumatic experiences. Telling your child stories about other kids with feelings just like theirs can help them feel better. It lets them know that you understand their feelings. Trouble concentrating and completing schoolwork: Academic and social pressures, especially the need to fit in, are major causes of stress for kids. While extracurricular activities can be a useful outlet, over-scheduling adds to anxiety. Help your child balance his priorities appropriately. Increased aggression: Some children, when under stress,...

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