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Lemon Butter Chicken

 Lemon Butter Chicken  by   Easy crisp-tender chicken with the creamiest lemon butter sauce ever – you’ll want to forget the chicken and drink the sauce instead! INGREDIENTS: 8 bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs 1 tablespoon smoked paprika Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 cup chicken broth 1/2 cup heavy cream 1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan Juice of 1 lemon 1 teaspoon dried thyme 2 cups baby spinach, chopped DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Season chicken thighs with paprika, salt and pepper, to taste. Melt 2 tablespoons butter in a large oven-proof skillet over medium high heat. Add chicken, skin-side down, and sear both sides...

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How I cut my sugar cravings

✂️How I Cut My Sugar Cravings✂️ Culturally speaking, women are the ones with the sweet tooth—and there might actually be some truth to that. A 2004 study showed that women may crave sweets more often than men due to the female hormone estradiol. This hormone is an important part of reproductive and sexual function—which also might explain why some women report sugar cravings around the time of their period or during menopause or perimenopause (pre-menopause). Other reported causes of sugar cravings could be due to a sluggish or overloaded adrenal gland, a yeast infection, an underactive thyroid gland, an imbalance of beneficial gut bacteria and stress. Of course, eating healthy can help alleviate many of these issues—and there are also...

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Testimony of Terésa Erwee

Translated testimony of Terésa ErweeI've attached two photos, one in Dec 2018 and the after in April 2019. I feel quite ashamed of the photos and I realise that I haven't arrived as yet, and a long road ahead awaits me.   11 kg difference between the two photos  In December 2018 I realised that it's time to make a serious life change, as I was at the most weight I'd ever been in my life. I just had to do something drastically.  In the past I'd tried many diets like Cohen, Weighless, Slender Wonder, injections, pills, you name it.I've been following the Big Breakfast group for the past 2 years and could never muster the courage to start, but in...

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Testimonies - Gut Rescue

. Bedsores I treated a 'patient' that had a huge bedsore (pressure ulcer) with Gut Rescue and within a week new tissue started developing and the sore had shrunk.The patient went to see her doctor as the sore was hurting and he said that's great news as there is life tissue growing. Dead tissue doesn't hurt...I have worked in hospitals for 42 years. I have never seen a bedsore heal so fast. This is really a miracle. Then with taking Moringa the chances of healing is so much bigger. - Kowie SwartPatient said: It has healed so much faster since taking Gut Rescue....... you saw how long it was taking.... I owe you a huge thank you......pls let me know what...

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The Domino effect - Why breakfast and ZestMoringa make such a huge difference

The Domino Effect: How to Create a Chain Reaction of Good Habits Human behaviors are often tied to one another. For example, consider the case of a woman named Jennifer Lee Dukes. For two and a half decades during her adult life, starting when she left for college and extending into her 40s, Dukes never made her bed except for when her mother or guests dropped by the house. At some point, she decided to give it another try and managed to make her bed four days in a row—a seemingly trivial feat. However, on the morning of that fourth day, when she finished making the bed, she also picked up a sock and folded a few clothes lying around the...

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